Invisalign Treatment

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Invisalign Treatment

You may be someone who wants to have your teeth aligned but do not want braces. There are numerous reasons why Invisalign may be an option for you. As we progress, it's common for people to avoid braces if they can. Multiple times people think, “I’m too old for braces,” or “I'll look silly having braces on my teeth at this age”. Then are many reasons why Invisalign is a great option for grown-ups:

  • Easier to maintain good oral hygiene
  • Removable
  • Safer
  • Virtually unnoticeable
  • More comfortable than braces
  • Minimum consultation
  • More Aesthetic

It's easy to keep your teeth clean with Invisalign. Remove the aligners and brush and floss as you would normally do. Brush the aligners outside and inside with a toothbrush with no toothpaste. However, use a non-abrasive type, If you want to use toothpaste. For eg: one that has no abrasive or whitening agent. It'll scratch your aligners, making them look foggy and not as clear. Gel toothpaste is a good way to go. Do not soak them in mouthwash that contains alcohol, it may absorb into the material and dry the aligners out, making them prone to cracks and breakage. Also, if the mouthwash has a color to it besides clear, it may stain the aligner.

DO NOT EAT WITH INVISALIGN ALIGNERS. Remove your aligner and place them in your retainer case before you eat or drink anything besides water.

You don’t want to have food lodged into your aligner that are meant to have a perfect custom fit around your teeth. The biggest thing is they will stain and discolour the aligner. Aligners are generally changed every 2 weeks. You don’t want to be walking around with stained aligners. Drinking water while wearing the aligners is ok, anything other than that may also discolor them, but substantially.

Invisalign is physically more comfortable to wear. Since there are no braces or wires, you don’t have to worry about any cuts or ulcer on your cheeks or lips. The aligners are relatively comfortable to wear and are analogous to retainers or a mouth guard which have clean, soft edges. Ultramodern Invisalign treatments use BPA-free plastics which reduces the threat of introducing any dangerous poisons into your body.

One of the reason patients tend to lean further towards Invisalign is because they're virtually unnoticeable. You and others around you will see the enhancement of your teeth without it being evident that you're going through orthodontic treatment. People can be self-conscious and the last thing they want is metal on their teeth and people pointing them out or seeing them. Depending on the type of work, you may not want to have braces or anything visible when you are talking to people.

With Invisalign you don’t need to make frequent visits to the dental office. There are no broken braces or wires that need to be fixed. You can go months without having to come into the clinic. However, take care of them duly.

Switch between aligners as instructed and use chewies as demanded, If you wear them 22 hours per day. Chewies look like cotton rolls but are rubber.

Tracking/ Off-Tracking:

Tracking is where the dentist checks to make sure all the attachments are in place. If the aligners aren't “tracking” there will be redundant plastic or areas of the aligners that aren't filled between your teeth and the aligner. This is when chewies are most helpful. At minimum, use them a many times per day, a many twinkles at a time. Place them where the aligner isn't tracking and suck down for about 15- 20 seconds, also move it to the coming area where the attachments are on your teeth and the aligners aren't tracking.


Attachments are tooth colored material that are placed on certain teeth to help move or rotate the teeth to a proper position.

The correct way to find out what your options are is to reach out to Prachi’s Dental Care and schedule your appointment. Generally, photographs and x-rays are taken for records, the orthodontist also studies them to plan and identify the treatment options you would be suitable to choose from.

Straight teeth, new smile, happier you!

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