Cosmetic Dentistry

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Generally, Cosmetic Dentistry Involves:
The addition of a dental material to teeth or gums - fillings, porcelain veneers (laminates), crowns (caps), gum grafts, the modification of tooth structure or gums - enameloplasty, gingivectomy, adding or removing dental structures or gums, teeth whitening (bleaching), laser whitening, gum depigmentation. Straightening of teeth accompanied by an enhancement of the physical appearance of the face by orthodontics.

Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding is a procedure in which a tooth-colored resin is applied and hardened with a special light, eventually adding the material to the tooth to enhance a person's smile. Among the easiest and least costly of cosmetic dental procedures, filling can repair broken or cracked teeth, close gaps, change the shape of teeth.


Veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells that cover the frontal face of teeth, bonded to the front of the teeth, changing their color, shape, size, or length. Veneers can be made from porcelain or resin compounds. Veneers offer a conservative approach to change a tooth's color or shape compared to crowns.


A crown is a tooth-shaped" cap" that is placed over a weak or damaged tooth to enhance its shape, size, strength, or appearance. Most crowns can be made of metal, porcelain, fused to metal, resin or ceramic. Before a crown is seated, the tooth is reduced and the crown is cemented over it, completely covering the tooth. Onlays and three-quarter crowns cover the underlying tooth to a lesser extent.

Enamel Shaping

Enamel shaping or contouring is a quick and effortless process of shaping natural teeth to enhance their appearance. It's generally used to correct small defects similar to uneven teeth or teeth that are slightly overcrowded. Results can be seen immidiately. Enamel shaping is frequently combined with whitening, veneers, or fillings.

Orthodontics( Braces)

Braces can correct crooked or misaligned teeth and can enhance the health and appearance of anyone's smile-- adult or child. Braces work by applying steady pressure over time to slowly move teeth into alignment. As the teeth move, the bony tooth socket changes shape and is remodelled as the pressure is applied.

Teeth Whitening

Who does not like a bright smile? A multifariousness of teeth-decolorizing systems is available, including toothpaste and rinses, untoward gels, strips and servers, and decolorizing agents attained from a dentist. But decolorizing is not for everyone. It's ideal for people who have healthy, unrestored teeth and gums. individualities with unheroic tones to their teeth-- as opposed to argentine tones-- respond stylishly. Talk to your dentist to find out if whitening is right for you.

Composite paddings

Being paddings occasionally need to be replaced due to wear, dicing, or cracking. numerous people use this occasion to replace their tableware blend paddings with natural, tooth-multicolored mixes. Their reasons may be aesthetic, or concern over the safety of blend paddings, which contain mercury. Composite paddings tend to wear out sooner than tableware paddings in larger depressions, although they hold up as well in small depressions.

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