Single Sitting- RCT

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What's Single-Sitting RCT Procedure?

When there's an acute infection with no pus accumalation in & around the tooth, Root canal treatment can be completed in a single sitting. The biggest diagnostic aid in this case is an X-ray. Which shows presence or absence of pus accumalation in the form of a Periapical Radioluency.

The Procedure-

First step is to open the pulp chamber to allow access to the canals. Once open, with help of special instruments known as rotary files the infected pulp is removed. The canals are flushed with antiseptic solution. The root canals are further cleaned & shaped to free them of all debris with rotary instrument. Once the canals are empty dry & clean, they're filled and sealed with biocompatible material known as Gutta Percha Points/G.P. Points The cavity is also filled with temporarily filling material which is also replaced with a permanent filling material like composite.

Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

Root Canal Treatment( RCT) aims to produce an end result where the tissue around the root will continue to be healthy despite the degenerative changes that were experienced by the tooth root.

How long does root canal treatment take?

The total period of appointment time that will be needed for your root canal treatment can depend on a number of factors. Some of these are-:

Different teeth have varying numbers of root canals, each of which need to be located, cleaned, and sealed. For eg:, a front tooth generally has a single root canal while molars have three or more canals.

Will your root canal treatment be completed in just one sitting or will the process be divided into two visits? Depending upon the findings on the X-ray and clinical examination the dentist will decide if the root canal can be done in a single visit or multiple visits are required.

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