Damon Braces


What are Damon braces?

Damon braces are analogous to other orthodontic systems to align teeth. The primary difference between this system and others, however, is how they align teeth.

Braces use archwires and braces to move teeth. But while traditional braces have elastic bands surrounding each type, Damon braces use a self-ligating system to connect archwires to braces, rather than elastic ties which are common with traditional braces.

This self-ligating system is not new, but it has increased in use as some orthodontists make claims of better clinical performance. While some patients believe Damon braces are a more effective orthodontic system.

Possible benefits of Damon braces include

  • Lower Discomfort
  • Easier to clean
  • Smaller orthodontic visits
  • Multiple styles to choose from
Will they work for you?

Damon braces are used to treat a variety of dental problems, although you will need to consult an orthodontist to determine if they are the right system for you. Damon braces work as well as other systems for numerous issues like an overbite, a deep bite, uneven teeth, or crowded teeth. Some orthodontists prefer to use this system and recommend it to their cases, but you can also achieve results with other types of braces.

How do Damon braces compare with traditional braces?

The main difference between Damon braces and traditional braces is that the later uses elastic bands or ties to hold wires and braces in place. The elastic with traditional braces are frequently tight, which puts pressure on teeth. Also, elastic bands are conspicuous. Bacteria can also collect on the elastic bands, causing dental hygiene issues. Without elastic ties, it’s easier to brush and floss, resulting in lower bacteria in the mouth.

How do Damon braces compare with Invisalign braces?

Another option to align teeth are clear aligners (like: Invisalign). Some people prefer these because they ’re incompletely inconspicuous and removable.

Some people feel that Invisalign aligners are more comfortable than other types of braces, although this is not always the case. Keep in mind that along with brushing and flossing, you have to wash and brush clear aligners every day.

You have to remove the aligners before eating, as well as before brushing and flossing. Keep in mind that you have to wear Invisalign aligners for at least 22 hours a day, including while sleeping. Damon braces have a transparent option, and they are attached to the teeth for 24 hours a day. So this system might be more effective for some.

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